Downloads & Tools
Caisses Sociales de Monaco’s My Mobile app: Simple and Useful
Access My Member Personal Space:
- Instant and secure connection
- Authentication with my Caisses Sociales details or with MConnect
- Personalisation of my individual password
Access to all my services and online procedures from my smartphone or tablet, without the need to move:
- My registration card and my FSE* code to access my digital medical records in digital format
- Add and share my Registration Card to my Wallet (electronic wallet)
(Feature available only from the CSM mobile application) - View my profile and personal information
- Check my benefit refunds and payments for the last 18 months
- Notifications when my requests are being processed
- Send documents and download forms
- Online requests for my certificates, career statement, retirement pension, etc.
- Simulation of my retirement pension
Caisses Sociales de Monaco regularly make new online services available to me in My Member Personal Space.
*FSE: Feuille de Soin Electronique
How to Download My New CSM App
The CSM mobile app is available on the Appstore for iPhone and iPad, and on the Google Playstore for Android smartphones and tablets:
First Connection to My Member Personal Space
I am asked to log in with my details in the new format to access my Member Personal Space:
My registration number and my date of birth (ddmmyyyy), with a hyphen between the two elements, to be entered together in the "identifier" field.
E.g.: 123456-03091985
The password I usually use on my old Personal Space (Or the one received by e-mail if I have never logged on to the old Personal Space before) to be entered in the "password" field.
If I am having trouble connecting to my Member Personal Space, I can check the Login Help page
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Other Tools
- Check Statements
- Employers in a Professional Capacity
- For the attention of integrators and service providers, especially for compatibility with a payroll software package, transmission format of the salary declaration file is XML.
- Monaco Salary Statement (DSM)
- Online services offered to employers in a professional capacity
- Online Assistance & Meetings
- We use TeamViewer solutions.
- Windows Remote Assistance
- MAC Remote Assistance
- Online Meetings