CAR Control Committee
- The Minister of Health and Social Affairs
Representatives of the Prince’s Government
- The Director General of the Department of Social Affairs and Health
- The Technical Advisor to the Department of Social Affairs and Health
- Comptroller General
- Director of the Budget and Treasury
Employer representatives
Full members
- Mr. Robert LAURE
- Mr. Henri LEIZE
- Mr. Jean-Claude LEO
- Mr. Philippe ORTELLI
- Mrs Sophie VINCENT
Alternate members
- Mr. Alain de ROANY
- Mr. Régis ETIENNE
- Mr. Fabien ORTOLANI
- Mr. Alain POGGIO
- Mr. Guillaume RAPIN
Representatives of employee and retirees
Full members
- Mr. Bernard ASSO
- Mr. Bruno AUGE
- Mr. Jérémie BERNARDI
- Mr. Didier GOMA
- Mr. Sébastien SAUTRON
Alternate members
- Mr. Thomas ALLARD
- Mr. Ridah BOUHLEL
- Mr. Emmanuel RULFO
- Mr. Georges Éric TRUCHON